In a press release received Wednesday from City of Lewisburg Mayor, Jim Bingham, he expressed the appreciation of the city to the divisions of Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Tennessee Stormwater Association, Tennessee Valley Authority and the Tennessee Department of Transportation and their staff for making it possible for Lewisburg to receive over $23,000 in Green Development Grant funds.
He also thanked the Lewisburg City Council for their contribution in making this grant a reality. Without their support this improvement plan would not have been possible. And lastly, he thanked the City of Lewisburg’s Public Works Department for their countless hours working on this project.
This grant award will be used as a part of the comprehensive plan to improve Rock Creek Park which host numerous events and festivals throughout the year. The City recently removed 4,500 feet of asphalt to create additional green space and replaced it with pervious pavers to improve stormwater runoff and provide a more natural infiltration into the ground. This was one of the priorities identified in the Lewisburg Vision Plan that was adopted earlier.
The City of Lewisburg is committed to continuous improvements, making our Parks System more inviting to our citizens and to their efforts to live a healthy and active life style. The Mayor and the City hopes these improvements at Rock Creek Park will continue to encourage those efforts.